National Euthanasia Registry

A continuing education program of the Raptor Education Foundation
copyright, 2000, Raptor Education Foundation

NER Blueprint for Protecting Wildlife and Yourself

bulletNER is a non-governmental registry created and administered by the Raptor Education Foundation, a non-profit environmental organization with 28 years experience educating the public about environmental concepts and issues. 
bulletNER is designed to provide law enforcement authorities  independent proof that the veterinarian  acted professionally and ethically if their client improperly disposes of a chemically euthanized carcass which then poisons wildlife species.  This evidence (NER registration form) greatly diminishes* the veterinarian's potential to be fined or incarcerated.
bulletNER provides the veterinarian a simple three part form which also serves to educate the client about the potential for secondary poisonings and their responsibilities/liabilities  involved with improper carcass disposal. This Registry Form, signed by both veterinarian and client becomes a legal document held by a third party (REF) that proves the veterinarian acted professionally and ethically should wildlife species die as a result of a client acting irresponsibly.
bulletNER,  through its special copyrighted form provides for indemnification and holding the veterinarian  harmless from losses and damages as a result of improper disposal by the client.  The veterinarian mails one copy of the form to our office, one copy is left with the client, and one copy stays with the veterinarian.  Everybody has an immediate record of what transpired.  Should a problem arise, law enforcement authorities can verify the euthanasia registry date by confirming the information with the NER offices.
bulletNER provides its members the best current protocols for proper carcass disposal if cremation or rendering is not an option.
bulletNER provides its members bulletins on improved disposal options and alternatives as they arise.
bulletNER members will have unlimited access to the NER website for the most recent updates and information relating to  in situ euthanasia.
bulletNER membership (as it grows) will support research and education programs whose goal is to significantly  decrease the death of wildlife species resulting from secondary poisonings, and to educate ranchers and veterinarians about this serious and tragic issue.  As patterns of euthanasia data are collected researchers will have an invaluable data base to improve environmental health.
bulletNER limits access to data gathered by the registry to veterinary professionals, researchers, and wildlife authorities.  To guard privacy, records are only provided following appropriate legal protocols and demonstrated need.

Donations help us grow- Designate your donation to NER--Thank you for your generosity. 

*Use of NER does not guarantee immunity from prosecution for alleged violations-remember anyone can be sued for anything at anytime.  NER does provide incontrovertible documentation that you advised your client as to their responsibilities in matters involving chemical euthanasia.
bulletVisit our disposal/euthanasia protocols section -MEMBERS ONLY

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